Snatch: An oral film review

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It's about stealin' stones and breakin' bones. Snatch is the highly anticipated motion picture from writer/director Guy Ritchie, as a follow up from his previous film, 'Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels'. Released in 2000, it was given a greater budget than 'Lock Stock', and therefore was allowed to spend more on location, props, and actors. This film stars Jason Statham, Vinnie Jones, Alan Ford, Brad Pitt, Dennis Farina, and Benicio Del Toro. Its plot …

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…and Turkish then make a hasty retreat from the fuming Brick Top, who is ready to have them (as well as a camp full of gypsies) killed. This scene is the last action sequence in the film, and it is a great way to end. This is relevant to the film, as it is the one chance that Brick Top gives Tommy and Turkish to amend themselves, and if they screw up, they're pig food.