Smoking Effects

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
There is currently a major debate ongoing in our society as to how the problem of continued funding of the Medicare administration can be accomplished. Currently, each working citizen contributes 2.9 % of his salary to fund Medicare. It is now predicted that the Medicare administration will become bankrupt sometime during the first decade of the twenty-first century. In an effort to prevent such a catastrophe, multiple potential solutions are being tried. Managed care medicine is sending …

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…the politicians like Congressman Dreier, Newt Gingrich and ex-Senator Robert Dole, that we will no longer accept their anti-social behavior. If your congressman of senator takes money from the tobacco industry and votes with them, against tobacco control legislation, let him know that he can expect to see you supporting and voting for his opponent in the next election. In this way we can save not only thousands of lives, but also billions of dollars.