Smoking Ban in Restaurants

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Essay Database > Literature > English
SMOKING BAN IN RESTARUANTS Imagine entering a restaurant and looking around to notice the different people. There may be friends or a family with children out having dinner, several waitresses or waiters, cooks, and many other men and women (which may be pregnant). Now think about the air that they are breathing and how it may be affecting their health. If there are smokers in the restaurant, then the health of everyone in the restaurant …

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…people had very little knowledge of what health effects ETS has on their health other than watery eyes, cough, and scratchy throat. Many of the comments from the survey talked about "rights". Some of the comments are: "Everyone has rights." "People have a right to smoke." "It's my right to breathe." Judging from the statistics of the survey, either people do not care about their rights or they do not want to cause a disturbance.