Smoke Signals - movie analysis
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Pages: 3
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Pages: 3
(approximately 235 words/page)
Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
This movie has all the necessary ingredients of a classic road movie, the long trip that turns into as much of a philosophical journey as a physical one, the oddball characters encountered along the way, and the everything-will-be-alright ending. But the foundation of Smoke Signals is the central figures of Victor Joseph and Thomas Builds-the-Fire, two natives of the Coeur d'Alene Reservation in Idaho. I would not say that Victor and Thomas are
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Signals is that it was a decent movie. It is not a film I would normally have rented, let alone pay $7.00 to see in a theater. It is very much a dialogue movie, as was Pulp Fiction, but it lacked any of the action I crave. The comedic moments in Smoke Signals were very light and did not make me laugh, which left nothing else except plain drama. Overall, my rating of this film is **/*****.
Signals is that it was a decent movie. It is not a film I would normally have rented, let alone pay $7.00 to see in a theater. It is very much a dialogue movie, as was Pulp Fiction, but it lacked any of the action I crave. The comedic moments in Smoke Signals were very light and did not make me laugh, which left nothing else except plain drama. Overall, my rating of this film is **/*****.