Slowly Going Backward

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Slowly Progressing Backward 738 Words It would be ludicrous to think that every man, woman, and child has complete freedom today in our democracy. We are plagued by crime, ignorance, and political injustice every day and a lot of us are unaware about our surroundings. I am writing this essay on a computer that needed en-ergy burned by fossil fuels to be made. I eat processed food which creates massive amounts of waste for our Earth …

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…bad either. Some people are capable of creating and doing amazing things. We must be careful not to exaggerate our ability to change. We have to survive; not be destroyed. We have to get our priorities straight and speak out for what we believe in. Too much freedom of change has allowed us to evolve into a meek society. No matter how loud our music is, or how noisy the traffic, we are very silent.