"Sleeveless" by Joy Brozek

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Essay Database > Literature
What is the main idea or theme of this story? <Tab/> <Tab/>This is an introduction, the theme is at the end. If you prefer to be lazy, skip the introduction. I prefer you read it though, it helps you understand the theme. <Tab/>Jenny and Lisha loved the garden, the dirt garden where they used to play when they were children. But …

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…amp;lt;Tab/>Lisha is twisted. With a mouthfull of bitterness and clever remarks that penetrate like acid. She has amazing persuasive skills and can easily control everyone she meets. She's painfully truthful, able to cut people down, and cut people open. She cuts herself open. She used art as an excuse. She likes the blood, the stingy feeling, being in complete control. It made her look raw and different. Lisha is angry.