"Sleepers" by Lorenzo Caracttera.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Book Review Sleepers by Lorenzo Carcattera 1996 A True Story Arrow Publishers In this review, I will critically evaluate the concepts the author presents regarding young people and culture. I shall provide a concise overview, summarising the main strengths and weaknesses of the images portrayed. On Completion of this I will move on to consider my own responses, both personally and professionally. In conclusion, I shall reflect on issues raised, which have increased my knowledge and …

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…alibi for the young men on the night of the murder. He also uses religion cleverly, to convince the reader that the boys are not mere hooligans, but educated sanctimoniously, further emphasising the injustice they received. The main emphasis on the book is culture, and how it affects us, this book would be beneficial to youth workers and those from other informal education backgrounds increase their knowledge and understanding of culture in general. Word Count 1,544.