Sleep and Anger.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
Sleep and Anger Stress and Anger have always been related with each other. There have been countless studies, even more theories, about stress and anger and how they relate. But, no matter how many studies are conducted, there will always be the questions about whether or not stress and anger are related. But, I am here to provide the facts on both stress and anger, and then allow you, as the reader, to determine the …

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…them, or having unreasonable fantasies of awful consequences (Ill be mugged") increase our fears and restrict our activities. Pushing yourself to excel and/or failing to achieve a desired goal and ones ideal lead to stress. Assigning fault for bad events, i.e. placing blame on self or on others, causes stress and anger. Realizing we may have been wrong but wanting to be right stresses most of us. Careful, logical decision-makers are usually calm