Slavery in the Upper And Lower South

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Black slavery in the South created a bond among white Southerners and cast them in a common mold. Slavery was also the source of the South's large agricultural wealth, which led to white people controlling a large black minority. Slavery also caused white Southerners to realize what might happen to them should they not protect their own personal liberties, which ironically included the liberty to enslave African Americans. Because slavery was so embedded in Southern …

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…stand trial for inciting slave revolts, and tightening up slave codes and the surveillance of free black people. Garrison's support for the growing demand of antislavery women to be treated as equals in the movement split the American Anti-Slavery Society in 1840. In turn, the opposition of most male abolitionists to the public activities of their female counterparts provoked a militant faction of these women into founding their own movement to achieve equality in American society.