Slavery, Beginning to End a Brief Summary

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Essay Database > History
Slavery has long been a problem in the U.S. People would say America is the land of the free, always has been, not so. Slavery first began in America with people who were usually immigrants named indentured servants. These "indentured servants" could earn their freedom, however labor was long and difficult. Later on, when the agriculture of America began to increase, more servants were needed, and this is when the slave trade really began …

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…For example, one coulc be skilled at masonry, carpentry, etc. These slaves had the most freedom, and at times were even rewarded for their labor. As most know, opposition towards slaver grew. Eventually The Civil War broke out and Slavery was abolished. Unfortunately the results of this were varied. The anger between the two races is still very evident despite work on relations by both races. It gets better, but has never been fully resolved.