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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
African Americans resisted the practice of slavery and the trade of slavery from its inception in the United Stated in the early1600s to its end in the middle 1800s. They resisted it in the fields and in the big house; they resisted by organized rebellions; and they resisted by direct, spontaneous acts of courage. For their freedom slaves killed and were killed. They ran away, and their masters ran after them. They fought and …

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…to transcend at least symbolically restrictions of his or her environment by expressing deep feelings, which could not be verbalized. The meaning of slave songs were often dismissed by whites as nonsense" (Levine p.44). Today freedom is something that is taken for granted. Thanks to the strength and determination of slaves they have won the fight for freedom. Every African American slave including women, men, and children should be acknowledged for their courage. Word Count: 825