Slaughterhouse Five: An Analysis of the Literature

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Essay Database > Literature > English
This excellent book was written by Kurt Vonnegut, and published in 1969. He experienced very heavy traumas. Many people close to him were hurt by the Depression or killed tragically. Almost all of the disasters in his books reflect his real life occurrences. The only book that "might stand" the test of time is Slaughterhouse Five. He became the spokesperson for a generation; invited to many college campuses to speak in 60's. Appeared in height of …

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…camp. "There are almost no characters in this story, at almost no dramatic confrontations because most of the people in it are so sick and so much the listless playthings of enormous forces. One of the main effects of war, after all, is that people are discouraged of being characters." War is one of the enormous forces that lead to that. Vonnegut reaches out to an alternate world, a different reality to make this point.