Slang, youth subculures and rock music

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ESSAY DETAILS Words: 25086
Pages: 91
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
CONTENTS I. Introduction II. Slang 1. Definition 2. Origins 3. Development of slang 4. Creators of slang 5. Sources 6. Linguistic processes forming slang 7. Characteristics of slang 8. Diffusion of slang 9. Uses of slang 10. Attitudes toward slang 11. Formation 12. Position in the Language III. Youth Subcultures 1. The Concept of Youth Subcultures 2. The Formation of Youth Subcultures 3. The Increase of Youth Subculture 4. The Features of Youth Subcultures 5. The Types of Youth Subcultures 6. The Variety of Youth Subcultures IV. Rock Music 1. What is rock? 2. Rock …

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…English. Macmillan, 1985. A classic, with 7,500 entries; first published in 1937. Peter van der Merwe, Origins of the Popular Style (1989, reissued 1992), Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc Wentworth, Harold and Flexner, Stuart Berg. Dictionary of American Slang. Crowell, 2d ed., 1975. А. Кокарев "Панк-рок от А до Я", Москва, "Музыка", 1992