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Essay Database > Literature > English
SKIING Skiing is a competitive sport, recreation, and a way of travel. Skiing is a leading winter sport and there are many events in which you use skis. When skiing you are traveling on long, narrow runners gliding on the snow. Skiing was developed in the 19th century by farmers in Norway for fun. After the automatic ski lift was developed, the sport grew all over the world. The equipment used in skiing are skis, …

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…you can have a small fall, which could be fun, if you fall the right way. Skiing is such fast sport, skiers could go up to 150 mph. If you fall this fast, it could be fatal. In conclusion, skiing is an exiting sport. If you ski the proper way it will definitely be an enjoyable day for many people. People even make a career out of skiing. Finally, skiing is my favorite thing to do.