Ska 101

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
Subject: 1.1: Introduction In response to all of those ``Isn't ska some dance form of reggae?'' questions, I present the following historical background to the music we call ska, gleaned from liner notes I have lying about the place, various postings to (, and sundry emailings with helpful ska fans. *** [August 96] The Hypertext Ska FAQ has moved to its final home! The new URL is <a href="">http://…

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…R.L./Blue Beat REG 101, (1992). Liner notes by Delroy Sion Eccles. "[TKS]" "Two Knights of Ska: Derrick and Laurel," Derrick Morgan and Laurel Aitken, Unicorn Records PHZD-61, (1992). Liner notes anonymous. "[RAR]" "Rasta and Resistance," by Horace Campbell, Africa World Press, Inc., P.O. Box 1892, Trenton, New Jersey 08607, USA, (1987). "[RPM]" "RPM" A Ska museletter. (see .) Uncited Sources --------------- "[AMS]" `', various postings. This was become the largest source of info for this FAQ through 1995.