Sir Wilfrid Laurier - Prime Minister of Canada

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Sir Wilfrid Laurier By Ritchie Rocha The first French Canadian to become prime minister of Canada was Wilfrid Laurier. Although French was his native tongue, he became a master of the English language. This and his picturesque personality made him popular throughout Canada, and he led the young country in a 15-year period of great development. Wilfrid Laurier was born in St-Lin, Quebec, and studied law at McGill University. After three years in the Quebec …

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…ideas. He was right though; we need the United States to survive and they need us just as much as we need them. It was the people and politicians which followed in Laurier's footsteps which has led us to our current relationship with the United States and the rest of the world. Sir Wilfrid Laurier was truly an incredible citizen, politician, strategist, and may have been the best prime minister this country will ever know.