Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God

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Essay Database > History
Jonathan Edwards gave this sermon on July 8, 1741. It was directed to the audience that he was speaking to. The audience consisted mainly of people that have forgotten all about God, and who were worshipping other gods. His sermon was primarily aimed at persuading them to turn back to God. This made Jonathan Edwards very angry. His sermon was very harsh. One of his major concerns was that people would go to hell. He said that …

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…way that the audience understood this was because they knew that they were in serious trouble. They wanted to find a way to help themselves get out of the dilemma that they were in, so they probably knew what he was talking about since the tone of his voice was so heated. They did not want to go to hell, and so they thought if they stopped acting so hedonistic, they would be better off..