Singapore Sports - Foriegners to play under our flag. Arguments and Counter Arguments

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
INTRODUCTION Singapore was a regional and international powerhouse in sports and most notably badminton in the 1950's and 1960's. The Thomas Cup and All-England winners were China-born and even Singapore's only gold medal in the Commonwealth Games and only silver medal in the Olympics were won by China-born sportsmen Chua Phung Kim and Tan Howe Liang respectively. Singapore's class of 60's sportsmen who enjoyed a great deal of sporting success was initially born in countries …

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…the verdict that Singapore sport should not depend on foreign imports. FURTHER JUSTIFICATION FOR CONCLUSION It would definitely go down better in history if a local sports personality can emulate Dr. Benedict Tan's sailing win in the Asian Games; where Singapore savoured every moment. Popular reception of the first Olympic gold medal won by a foreigner in national colours will be less than euphoric and hence the vote too to veto foreigners from Team Singapore.