Simply Slavery.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
Some art portrays opinions upon events and/or time periods. Computerized art is now in style within this new era. The clip-art picture "Slave Ship"; part of the Maoist Internationalist Movement, portrays a time period of American history in simple format. The imagery portrayed is most notorious and spiteful. Even a small image has the potential to teach those who are un-cognitive of history. Tall ships are not so common in today's world. The background …

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…fine artwork, which in this clip art has most certainly been accomplished through the genius of the artist. Imagery has been effective for thousands of years to convey teachings. Fine artwork such as Slave Ship is now updated for computers within the clip-art category. The Maoist Internationalist Movement will continue to utilize fine artwork to make people cognitive within the world. This is just another step towards changing the world making more cultural elite people.