Similarities and differences between Jesse Owens and Luz Long

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Essay Database > History > European History
Jesse Owens was a gifted athlete, and surprisingly, a gifted writer as well. He is far above the stereotypical "dumb jock," as is evident from the processes of thought he requires you to take in order to keep up with him literarily. As all writers should, Owens had a specific purpose to convey in writing this Open Letter to a Young Negro. If the reader was quick to draw conclusions, he may assume that Owens …

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…the discriminatory spectrum. Owens was hated by bigots; Long was loved. This fact helped feed Owens' anger and resentment for Long in the beginning of the letter. <Tab/>At first glance, Owens and Long shared nothing other than an athletic gift and humanity. Athleticism brought them together; the man inside each of them intensified their unity and provided a base for the formation of the unbreakable bond of a loving friendship.