Silent Mill Part 2

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
"What do you want now?" He spat these words at me. These were the words of a 16-year-old boy who didn't give a damn if I was upset. I was locked in a room full of children who were feeling the air for their own voices back. Would I have to do like them, would I have to grab the cold air for something that is mine, and only mine and no one had the …

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…With my last breath I looked up at the children, they were coming closer to me, holding nothing in their hands but pushing an invisible object towards me. Suddenly I felt a surge through out my body, my voice was back. Yet, their was no need, I was seconds away from death. I looked up at the boy and said with all the anger I could muster. "Fuckkkk.....yoooou!" And dropped to the floor, dead.