Silent Mill- Part 1

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
A dark, gloomy mist flooded the air as I entered the town. "Its like a ghost town". I said to himself, wondering where everybody was. I stumbled out of my car and peered curiously into a shop window, no one was there. No one was in any of the buildings, "No wonder this town is called Silent Mill". I walked on up the street, noticing that this strange fog that filled the air was getting …

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…person who enters or lives here over 16 dies, all those under 16 I use to find my fathers spirit. What age are you girl? "...(What difference does that make, I'm over 16)..." Still no sound. "It makes all the difference, you like every child in the dead-end town have been ripped of your spirit, I don't know why a girl of your age, but you have. And you cant have it back, sorry." "...(WAIT!)..." end of part 1