Significance Of Race In Education

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Ethnicity refers to the cultural practices and out look of a community, within a society. 1 The term is preferable than theories of race and the immigrant based model. Race is defined as a scientifically discredited term, previously used to describe biologically distinct groups of persons who were alleged to have characteristics of an alterable nature. Social Science now recognised that race is a socially constructed categorisation which specifies rules for the identification of a given …

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…Reprint, Open University Press, London 1993. Lewisham County Council. Pupil Exclusion from School. Education Department 1991. Nehaul. K, The Schooling of Children of Afro Caribbean Heritage. Trentham Books Ltd, England 1996. Nottingham County Council. Pupil Exclusion from School. Education Department 1991. HMSO Race Relation Act 1976. London. HMSO/DES Rampton Report London 1981. Sarup. M, Education & Ideologies of Racism Trentham Books, England 1991. Journals Sociology of Education, Volume 20 Number 3 September 1999 pg 411-417 Sociology of Education, Volume 72 Number 3 July 1999 pg 158-177.