Sierra, a personal travel description

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Tourism
My family and I have always loved are camping trips, especially the ones the take us deep into the depths of the Sierra Nevada mountians. There's a very unique and beautiful camp ground near Mammoth Lakes called Devils Postpile. My is it beautiful, two gigantic crystal clear lakes, wildlife sites that could easily be posted in any National Geographic magazine, and trout that have enough meat on their bones to suvive in the deepest of …

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…but sure enough my dad came back soaking wet, with his mud dreched clothes, holding a stringer much nicer than the one I was previously showing off. We had many more great days and night in the camp ground and on that river before we headed back down south to the beloved heat of the desert. Every minute closer to Ridgecrest ws also every minute closer to next years camp trip to the Sierra Nevada's.