Sidney Myer and his brother, Russian immigrants, opened the first Myer store in 1900 in Bendigo.Am article about Myer

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
Sidney Myer and his brother, Russian immigrants, opened the first Myer store in 1900 in Bendigo. They continued to prosper and opened another Myer store in 1908. After establishing themselves in Melbourne, the two brothers expanded the business setting up in Adelaide and then eventually across the whole country. Myer now has 67 stores nationally and is a market leader in Australian retailing. They continually transform to better serve their customers and their changing diverse needs. Myer Grace …

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…be; fashion, food, home and family or new products. On the desires side her attitude may be self minded or conservative and her behavior may be; high level of discretionary spending, store loyal, brand loyal and or service and quality sensitive. Hence, all these characteristics then lead to the benefits that the customer may seek. Intangible benefits can include; status, safety and convenience whereas tangible benefits include; quality, reliability, service, appearance, variety and current styles.