Sidewalk: The Street Vendors of 6th Avenue - A look at the Economic Sytems, Kinship, and Social Controls by which they live.

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Essay Database > History
The street vendors of Sixth Ave. each have a unique story about how they came to be vendors . Many of them say it was a choice they made, some ended up there because of drugs, or the inability to find work, whatever the case their life is not an easy one. The people making lives on Sixth Ave depend on each other. All of them are black males, with the exception of one black woman …

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…that kind of thinking, simply because their life may seem in disorder. These are the aspects of street life that I chose to focus on. There was such an amazing amount of insight into a world that I was unaware of before reading this book. These people have such a different life for the norm that I am used to, but each factor is extremely important to their survival as vendors, and as human beings.