Siddhartha's Journey as a Hero

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
What is the meaning of a hero in a story? A story would never be a satisfactory story without a hero, and without a journey a hero would never be existed. In every story, there's a meaning to the journey of the hero. The meaning of the journey can be really important; it's something that would open up the mind of the book to the reader. Significantly, the meaning of the story would teach the …

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…mistakes, he learns the real meaning of life, which love is important, cleverness is a trickery deception, and learning on oneself is the best solution. Basically, all these are something that one must all goes through, including self-knowledge. It may not seem to others, but everyone actually learn on themselves, and not through others. Herman Hesse could possibly be one of the best writer to express these intellects of his through such a magnificence novel.