Show How Poets You have Studied this Year Develop Universal Themes Through Simple Images

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
In the poems 'London', 'Beach Burial', 'A poison Tree',' The Garden of Love',' Journey of the Magi' and 'Ulysses' by Blake, Slessor, Eliot and Tennyson, simple images of objects, actions and ideas are used to develop universal themes of life, death, social decay, religion and human alienation. 'London' and 'Beach Burial' both use simple images to express the speaker's human journey to despair. 'Journey of the Magi' and 'Ulysses' both explore a reflection …

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…acquired the green, which was once used as a public place. In the poems studied, simple images of objects, actions and ideas are used in combination with a variety of poetic techniques to allow the complex universal themes of life, death, human alienation and religion to be explored thoroughly. Imagery is obviously a very important element of poetry. Every picture the poet paints with figurative language has a vivid association with the meaning being generated.