Shouls Native Americans be taxed?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Should Native Americans Casino's be Taxed? By Malika Stanley I. Intro A. General History One of the upcoming California ballot initiatives poses the question of whether Indian casinos should be required to pay taxes. As we all know Indian casinos have operated tax-free thus far. I have come to the conclusion that Native American casinos should not have to pay taxes. Those who argue the opposing view do so out of feeling cheated or treated …

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…I just don't think they're at all relevant to this particular situation. I think if you read up on it, you'll find that the current situation with Native Americans is quite unlike any historical parallel you'll be able to draw. Even the situation with African Americans is quite different; they actually still have a "homeland" to return to, if they wanted to live out their cultural imperatives. Where can the Indians go? Your house? Mine?