Shouls Certain Dog Breeds be Banned From the City
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Essay Database > Literature > English
Should certain dog breeds be
banned from the city?
In London there is controversy over whether a bylaw should be passed banning certain dog breeds. Many people support this view, yet many people oppose it. A solution must be formed to prevent young children from being mauled by vicious dogs.
Many people agree that pit bulls and Rottweilers should be banned from the city. These people believe that these dog breeds are very dangerous because
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and we need to have better education concerning how to raise and take care of our dogs. In conclusion, the banning of certain dog breeds could cause more controversy in our community. But nevertheless, something must be done about this very serious social issue. Do I think that such a bylaw could be enforced? No. But we must all be responsible and must take certain measures to protect the ones we love and our community.
and we need to have better education concerning how to raise and take care of our dogs. In conclusion, the banning of certain dog breeds could cause more controversy in our community. But nevertheless, something must be done about this very serious social issue. Do I think that such a bylaw could be enforced? No. But we must all be responsible and must take certain measures to protect the ones we love and our community.