Should the drinking age be lowered
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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
A man is out on Highway 41 on his way home from a party when suddenly a car swerves out in front of him and hits him. He and the other car are in a ditch and both cars are totaled. The police and ambulances arrive and pull him and the driver of the other car out. Then, he finds out that the person who hit him is 18 and was drunk. A teenager could have killed
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first drink, decreased by over 60%( State Age-21 laws are one of the most effective public policies ever implemented in the Nation. There is a possibility that there are more fatalities, crashes, arrests, youth alcohol consumption, and other alcohol-related problems 18 year-olds drink. Think back to the beginning. Think hard about if the drinking age should be lowered from 21. Think about the consequences and the deaths that could occur.
first drink, decreased by over 60%( State Age-21 laws are one of the most effective public policies ever implemented in the Nation. There is a possibility that there are more fatalities, crashes, arrests, youth alcohol consumption, and other alcohol-related problems 18 year-olds drink. Think back to the beginning. Think hard about if the drinking age should be lowered from 21. Think about the consequences and the deaths that could occur.