Should the United States invest more money in renewable energy research and development as opposed to fossil and nuclear fuels?

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
The United States should invest more money into the research and development of renewable energy. These renewable resources would take the place of fossil fuels, which are non-renewable resources. Fossil fuels will not be here forever; they will be depleted soon. Therefore, we need to research and develop renewable energy so that we can make a smooth conversion from fossil fuels to renewable resources. Fossil fuels are formed over millions of years so when they …

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…on pollution that is destroying the earth. Sustainable resources are good but they too have some obstacles to overcome. Solar energy cannot be used at night and for wind, power cannot be used when the wind is not blowing hard. Although there are some disadvantages to all of the optional resources, the research and development of renewable energy will help us to find a combination of resources that best fit the world we live in.