Should the United States Congress Designate English to be the Nations Official Language

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
"Should the United States Congress Designate English to be the Nations Official Language" Is it fair to have a designated language for the country that has the freedom of speech and freedom of choice? There are many good arguments in defense of both sides of this controversial issue. It is hard to say if one side is right or one side is wrong. Due to no written official language in the United States it brings …

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…Official Language of U.S.A." Internet. 1 June 1997. Available "Litino Links." Internet. 24 July 1996. Available "Pat Buchanan: Look At Canada And See Why English Must Be America's Official Language." Internet. 31 Oct. 1995. Available "Should English Be Declared The Official Language Of The United States?" Internet. March 1997. Available wysiwyg://51/