Should rape or sexual assault be included with paraphilias? A discussion

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Paraphilias are characterized by sexual fantasies, urges, or behaviors involving non-human objects (Fetishism, Transvestic Fetishism), suffering or humiliation (Sexual Sadism, Masochism), children (Pedophilia) or other non-consenting person (Voyeurism, Frotteurism, Exhibitionism). Rape is forced sexual intercourse with a nonconsensual person. Although rape does involve urges with non-consenting persons, I feel that it is a crime of violence and that it is not motivated purely by sexual urges, but by feelings of intense anger, hostility and raw …

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…both violence and sex, or rather violent sex. The rape paraphile has a love map that views violent sex as orgasmic." Our culture looks upon rape and sexual assault in very different ways. There is no black and white, but many shades of gray when we speak of rape. I feel that rape and sexual assault would not be a paraphilia. Both have essential features of paraphilia, but they are not motivated by sexual arousal.