Should politicians run wars?

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"No new taxes." This is a quote that was said during the 1992 presidential election. It didn't take long for the people to realize that this was false. There are a thousand promises made in a presidential election year that have questionable motives as to whether they are offered in the best interest of the people or in the interests of the presidential candidate. These hidden interests are one of the biggest problems with the American …

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…Frontline 9-10 Jan. 1996. Vietnam War History Research Files HYPERLINK "" Video Resources "Vietnam: A Television History" LBJ goes to War; V.2 ©1996 WGBH Educational Foundation DS558.V475 1996x in Verman Kimborough Library "Gulf War; The Complete Story" ©1991 Independent Television News DS79.72.G84 1991 in Verman Kimborough Library