Should parole release be abolished? Why or why not?

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Well lets start by learning what parole is and how it came about. What is Parole? Parole, in criminal law, pledge of good conduct given by a person convicted of crime as a condition of release from imprisonment before the expiration of the term of confinement. The word parole is also broadly used to denote such a conditional release or period of liberty. Parole is usually granted to a prisoner in recognition of past good …

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…were never possible, and if society could never forgive. Therefore I don't think that parole should be abolished, because some offenders really do reform themselves and deserve the chance to show that, and if parole where abolished then those that don't commit serious offenses, or just plain make a stupid mistake and have learned from it by reformming themsleves while serving time in a correctional institute would never have the chance to get out early.