Should juveniles be tried as adults?

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Essay Database > Law & Government
President Bush stated "When America teaches her children right from wrong and teaches values that respect life in our country, our country will be better off". This quote was released after a 15- year-old boy shot and killed two classmates and injured 13 at a high school near San Diego, California. He will be charged as an adult under state law. <Tab/> <Tab/>I firmly believe that in …

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…to their age. I would debate that by asking the question; is a 17-year-old murderer considered a kid? There has to be point where a person's age shouldn't have that much effect on the outcome of a crime. Whether they are 17 or 30, they still must receive the same punishment. I would assume if a juvenile killed one of your family members or friends then you wouldn't want the court to consider them only a kid.