Should government be funding in good marriage promotion?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Marriage is a fundamental social institution. As an institution, marriage is the foundation of a harmonious and enriching family life and the basic building block of our society. As the cornerstone of the family, marriage produces children; provides children with mothers and fathers; and produces many social, economic, and health benefits for children, adults, and society generally. By most measures, marriage helps keep children out of poverty. But should governments be involved in promoting marriage? …

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…programs. Work Cited Grier, Peter and Jonsson, Patrik. "Should government be trying to promote good marriages?" Christian Science Monitor 20 Jan. 2004 30 Sep. 2004 <>. Health, Christine. "Marriage promotion debate tied to welfare." Washington Times 28 Jun. 2004 <>. Litcher, Daniel and Grabmeier, Jeff. "The Formation of State Actor-Social Movement Coalitions and Favorable Policy Outcomes." Social Problems 51 (2004): 478-504.