Should digital property be given the same protections as physical property?
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Pages: 4
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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
In the perfect world there would be a clear distinction between intellectual property in the digital realm and in the physical realm. In the real world this distinction is not so clear cut. However with the advent of such technologies as the mp3 codec, divx codec and the proliferation of digital music, movies and software the pandora's box of file sharing has opened up a whole new way at looking at the world. Another step
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businesses whose profit motive has clouded the news landscape regarding this issue. This means the can produce the same mass production type of crap, for lack of a better word, than they have in the past by appealing to societies social mores and wants rather than to appeal to their intellectual or spiritual level. How do we know this is their motive? Look at who the record industries and movie industries are now suing, individuals.
businesses whose profit motive has clouded the news landscape regarding this issue. This means the can produce the same mass production type of crap, for lack of a better word, than they have in the past by appealing to societies social mores and wants rather than to appeal to their intellectual or spiritual level. How do we know this is their motive? Look at who the record industries and movie industries are now suing, individuals.