Should Same Sex marriage be Allowed?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Only in the states of Vermont and California are gay couples allowed to marry. Same-sex marriage is very important with gay couples and activists in today's society. On January 1, 2002, a bill became effective to give members of registered same-sex and opposite-sex couples the right to adopt a partner's child. A reason why the Vermont same-sex union battle received so much nation press is because legislators were responding to a court order, while some ended up …

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… Malone, John. "21st Century Gay" M. Evans and Company, Inc. 2001 Murphy, Jenny. Should Gay Couples Be Allowed to Marry? 3 February 2000 "National Campaign for Same-Sex Marriage...Draws Political and Religious Opposition." CQ Researcher. (Vol.#)(1996): 420-423. Say, Elizabeth A. and Kowalewski, Mark R. Gays, Lesbians, and Family Values The Pilgrim Press. 1998 2001