Should Machines have human emotions?

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
People argue that it's possible to give machines like robots human-like emotions, but it would require the right motivation and passion and knowledge for this to happen. I think, however, that it would be a terrible plan if we want to use them as servants and friends. Human reasoning operates primarily on the collection of ideas of which the person is immediately conscious; robots cannot do this. We don't want robots to think of ideas …

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…ideas to the things they will be exposed to. In a perfect world, I would strongly agree for robots to have feelings; but in a world of sin and wrongdoings (ie London bombings, war on terrorism, criminals, reckless world leaders...), it is more likely that these dire things will multiply to occur like flies if robots were to have feelings, because like humans, they would easily be corrupted by human feelings like hate and greed.