Should Disneyland Expand into Australia?

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
Executive Summary. Amusement parks are entertaining leisure areas devoted to recreational enjoyment. Some have rides, excursions, animal attractions, theme parks, and music. Walt Disney was the first to create an amusement park in 1955, the adored Disneyland in California. After the success of this first amusement park, Disney decided to build other parks in the US and abroad. Australia has many amusement parks. Most are located in the Gold Coast region, which is north of the …

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…Retrieved November 17, 2004 from <Tab/> Village Roadshow Ltd. stock falls into a slump. (2002, July 29). Amusement Business, 114 (30), <Tab/>6. Retrieved November 14, 2004 from RDS Business and Industry. Worderland Sydney closing. (2004, February 6). Amusement Business, 116 (8), 6. Retrieved <Tab/>November 14, 2004 from RDS Business and Industry. Zoltak, J. (1997, November 3). Custom Zamperla rides in the works for Warner Bros. <Tab/>Movie World Australia. Amusement Business, 109 (44), 29.