Should Abortion be Made Available Freely on Demand?
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Pages: 3
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Pages: 3
(approximately 235 words/page)
Essay Database > Science & Technology
Abortion is the forceful expulsion of a fetus to, in essence, destroy it. This procedure has sparked widespread debate among people in multiple countries and cultures. Those who support the views of the mother are Pro-choice and those who support the rights of the child are Pro-life. No one can say whether it is worth bringing a child into a world where it will be resented. Some potential mothers are in situations in which giving
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alone made freely available. There needs to be a balance on this issue. Either way a person leans on this issue, there will be dire consequences if either extreme has their way. Abortion: immoral or necessary? The question remains and is not likely to be answered any time soon. Opinions are diverse and all points are valid. Currently abortion is legal under certain circumstances and that is how it will stay for years to come.
alone made freely available. There needs to be a balance on this issue. Either way a person leans on this issue, there will be dire consequences if either extreme has their way. Abortion: immoral or necessary? The question remains and is not likely to be answered any time soon. Opinions are diverse and all points are valid. Currently abortion is legal under certain circumstances and that is how it will stay for years to come.