Short overview of Asians as a Super Minority-class presentation from notes.

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Trapped on a Pedestal-Asian Americans as the Super Minority Stereotype. * Two quotes from the article, one from US News and World Report and the other from Ronald Reagan typify the idea that Asians are an exceptional success story for minorities-note that both sources are catering to a 'white' audience. Note that the movie "Do the Right Thing" depicts Korean grocers as "money grabbing, thankless workers" is derogatory from the POV of African Americans, but these …

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…Ethnic Relations 00/01. (2000) Ed by John A. Kromkowski. Dushkin/McGraw-Hill. Lee, S.J. (1996). Unraveling the "model minority" stereotype: Listening to Asian American youth. New York: Teachers College Press. Siu, S.-F. (1996, December). Asian American students at risk: A literature review. Report No. 8. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University, Center for Research on the Education of Students Placed At Risk. (ED 404 406) Yin, X.H. (2000, May 7). The two sides of America's "model minority." Los Angeles Times, Part M, p. 1.