Short Summary of Congressman Bob Ney

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Since 1995, Congressman Bob Ney has represented Ohio's 18th Congressional district, which today encompasses 16 counties in Ohio. Ney is the Chairman of the Committee on House Administration, the Chairman of the Financial Services Subcommittee on Housing, the Chairman of the Commission on Mailing Standards, the Chairman of the Joint Committee on Printing, the Vice Chairman of the Joint Committee on the Library, and a Deputy Majority Whip. As Chairman of House Administration, Ney has oversight of …

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…recently, Ney was named Chairman of the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Housing and Community Opportunity where he has oversight over all federal housing and community development issues. Ney's legislative service has been recognized by a variety of groups and organizations, including the United Conservatives of Ohio, the National Rifle Association, the Ohio State Council on Vietnam Veterans, the Public Children's Services of Ohio, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the United Senior's Association.