Short Story title: To Heal, Learn and Transform

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
26th December, 2004- My sever-year-old daughter was swept away right before me. I was plaiting the last knot of the crimson ribbon that matched her dress. The waves leapt at her like she was the prey of a hungry tiger. She made heavy slaps on the water trying to thrust the wild beast. As she cried out for me the monster made its final attack. Maya took huge gulps, then gasps... the crimson ribbon faded …

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…me a mother. It was only a simple glance of acceptance, a silent touch of acknowledgement, and a genuine exchange of love at The Dreamcatcher's Institute, which truly made me Heal, Learn and Transform. I believe in the power of stories. After all, "stories are mirrors of our lives, of all that we wish we could be; the anguish of all that we could not be and the hope of all that we will become."