Short Story Essay - Analysis of "The Stone Boy"

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Gina Berriault's "The Stone Boy", a narrative story, mainly portrays the tragedy committed by a nine-year-old boy, Arnold, who has a big family of six people accidentally kills his older brother, Eugene. This pair of brothers has a pretty good relationship because they just act like typically brothers getting along very well. One night they went duck hunting but all out of blue that Arnold accidentally shoots Eugene with a gun which his father gives …

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…want to say that he is also a victim in this accident, instead of being treated as a cruel moron. He did not go back home right after shooting Eugene is forgivable, logical indeed. As what I talked about in the previous part, living under this kind of upbringing, the character would be undoubtedly resulted like his. A nine-year-old kid is supposed to have a happy life with his family but however, he does not.