Short Overview of Edgar Allen Poe's life

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) Edgar Allan Poe was one of America's famous writers. He is known as the first master of short story form especially in tales of horror, and mystery. His poems made him one of the most famous figures in American literary history. His influence on literature is seen in all literature books in schools everywhere. Some of his famous writings is that of "Annabel Lee"; his detective story, "The Murders in Rue …

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…spectral and imaginary objects on the walls". So in other words he was crazy, delirious, and other times he was in a coma. Despite the widely held belief that Poe was in a drunken stupor, he showed no signs of alcohol when he was admitted to the hospital. It has been 150 years since Poe's death but since his death he has had more books published than any other American author. He will always be remembered.