Short Essay On The Description Of Egypt

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Essay Database > History > Ancient History
This snapshot is a depiction of a powerful dynasty that ruled Egypt 5,000 years ago. The snapshot is a portrayal of the Egyptian civilization and its wonders. Just as many civilizations before it, the Egyptian civilization arose from the banks of a river; the Nile. The mighty river which flowed north from Africa to the Mediterranean Sea sparked the fire that started the powerful empire. Because Egypt was full of deserts. Many Egyptians was forced to …

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…The Egyptians were superstitious frequently their jewelry contained good luck charms called amulets. Egyptians also believed in the afterlife. I included a tomb with jewels and food .The Egyptians followed this burial method, preserving the body through mummification; protecting the body in a tomb in which the name of the deceased was inscribed; and providing the deceased with food and drink or illustrations of it in case no one was available to make the offerings.