Shin Splints- an explanation of the kinds of shin splints, causes, effects, symptoms, short/long-term treatments, and influence on our society today. Includes Bibliography (only a list of resources).

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
Shin splints, or in other words Medial Tibial Pain Syndrome, are one of the most misdiagnosed running conditions. To sum up the definition of Shin Splints, it is an overworking of the tibia and its muscles. Many times, this condition is a result from improper conditioning or running on very hard surfaces, such as concrete, and bad running shoes. This movement causes the soleus muscle to pull very hard on the backside of the tibia …

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…limited because there are larger, more influential things out there that need research. I think that shin splints can be easily avoided and taken care of, if done correctly. This information is priceless because it can save you not only a lot of pain, but a lot of time and energy. Bibliography: The Sports Medicine Bible